Hey Everyone,
My name is Maddy and I am the owner of Donovan's Cafe, a virtual haven where I share my culinary escapades and mindfulness journey. Here, you'll find a mouthwatering array of home-cooked recipes infused with a generous sprinkle of love for the world around me.
Donovan's Cafe is more than just a blog; it's a tribute to the cozy moments spent in my kitchen, with my faithful companion, Donovan, always by my side. His unwavering presence, though often motivated by the promise of fallen food scraps, adds an extra layer of warmth to every culinary creation. Having him beside me is a cherished reminder of the joy found in simple pleasures and the beauty of companionship.
So why DonovansCafe?
On a crisp December afternoon, an unexpected turn of events led the family to a neighbor's fundraiser for the animal shelter. Intrigued, my dad and I ventured over, never imagining we'd leave with a new addition to our family. A chance encounter ensued when a woman approached my father, entrusting him with a golden, fluffy bundle, and asking him to watch over him momentarily. Initially agreeing to the task, we soon realized that the woman had disappeared, leaving us with a decision to make.
As minutes turned into hours, we found ourselves captivated by the charm of this furry companion. We took it as a serendipitous sign and decided to foster the pup, originally named Comet. Almost instantly, our hearts were won over, and we named him Donovan, in homage to the illustrious '60s singer, Donovan Phillips Leitch, inspired by his iconic tune, "Mellow Yellow."
Within just hours of Donovan's arrival, our home was transformed, and our bond with him solidified. Sixteen years have since passed, filled with immeasurable joy and unwavering companionship from the most cherished creature on this earth. Our lives are infinitely richer because of him, and we couldn't imagine it any other way.
Breath work - Mindfullness
Home Cooking - Whole Cooking
Wellness - Moving the body